(303) 817-3938 Boulder Acupuncture Clinic
(303) 817-3938 Boulder Acupuncture Clinic
Acupuncture is a form of Chinese medicine that has been used for centuries. It involves gently and painlessly inserting sterilized needles into specific points in the body that are suffering from pain or points that are related to organ systems that are struggling. This restores the healthy balance of your body’s systems and can reduce the symptoms you may be currently experiencing. Acupuncture for stress relief is very effective, as is acupuncture for pain relief.
Some of the benefits of acupuncture include:
Conditions that may be treated with acupuncture:
Please reach me directly at chrisbrownacupuncturist@yahoo.com if you cannot find an answer to your question.
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is a form of holistic medicine that has a history dating back about 23 centuries and combines the use of acupuncture and herbal medicine. It aims to prevent or heal disease by restoring and maintaining the yin and yang balance of our Qi (pronounced "chi"). The Qi is our vital life force or energy which moves through invisible channels in the body called meridians that connect all of our bodily systems from organs and tissues to cells and atoms. A licensed acupuncturist is trained in understanding both visible signs and symptoms as well as reading the pulses of these channels to locate where energy may be stagnant and blocked, or showing weakness. By carefully placing the acupuncture needles to apply pressure on specific points, we are able to restore the steady flow of energy through the channels, therefore relieving pain and supporting optimal function of all of our systems.
The insertion of acupuncture needles is virtually pain-free. Most patients find the treatments very relaxing and many fall asleep during the session. For those averse to needles, the option for acupressure or Chinese medical massage (Tuina) is available, accessing the same acupuncture points and meridians without the use of needles.
Yes, as long as acupuncture is practiced by a licensed practitioner it is extremely safe and there are little to no side effects. In some rare cases if side effects do occur, the practitioner will work to relieve those symptoms.
The duration of your treatment is dependent on the condition being treated and the individual's response to acupuncture. For short-term, acute problems, it may only take 1-2 sessions. For longer-term, chronic problems, more sessions may be necessary and on a more frequent basis. All will be discussed during your initial treatment. I may also make herbal or lifestyle recommendations for you, and it is up to you to follow through with those changes in order to see lasting results.
Prior to treatment, I recommend having eaten something light so that you are satisfied but not overly full. I do not recommend coming in for a treatment immediately when excessively hungry, after eating a large meal, or consuming alcohol.
Some patients report immediate relief right after treatment while others only notice slight changes. Many find that they get a more restful night's sleep, lower level of stress, and improved digestion after treatment. In some cases, it may take a few days to notice changes, but in general, it is expected that you begin feeling incrementally better with each treatment.
If you need to cancel or reschedule your appointment, I ask that you contact me within 24 hours of your appointment. You will be responsible for paying for the full cost of your treatment for cancellations that occur less than 24 hours from your scheduled appointment.
I only accept insurance for motor vehicle accidents.