(303) 817-3938 Boulder Acupuncture Clinic
(303) 817-3938 Boulder Acupuncture Clinic
Acupuncture, or the insertion of sterile, hair-like needles on specific pressure points that correlate to different channels throughout the body, is a form of Chinese medicine that has been used for thousands of years to treat and relieve pain and illness, and maintain optimal health. It is virtually painless and countless studies show th
Acupuncture, or the insertion of sterile, hair-like needles on specific pressure points that correlate to different channels throughout the body, is a form of Chinese medicine that has been used for thousands of years to treat and relieve pain and illness, and maintain optimal health. It is virtually painless and countless studies show the effectiveness in treating both short- and long-term health problems
Every acupuncture session includes Chinese medical massage, called "Tuina," to help loosen tight muscles, open the channels, and relieve pain. This form of body work uses the acupuncture points and meridian system to powerfully clear energetic blockages throughout the body and improve health.
Chinese herbal medicine is another powerful treatment option that is very effective for all kinds of pain and bodily dysfunctions, especially in combination with acupuncture. Like acupuncture, Chinese herbal medicine seeks not to mask the symptoms, but find the cause for our illness and pain and heal them for good. Chinese herbs may be th
Chinese herbal medicine is another powerful treatment option that is very effective for all kinds of pain and bodily dysfunctions, especially in combination with acupuncture. Like acupuncture, Chinese herbal medicine seeks not to mask the symptoms, but find the cause for our illness and pain and heal them for good. Chinese herbs may be thought of as gentle, energetic reminders that help the body do what it needs to do to restore and maintain optimal health. Herbal remedies safely support the body's ability to heal from the inside out.